Euro Training Limited Training Programs, Workshops and Professional Certifications

Domain Specific Job Skills

Updated to Leverage the Best of Digital Transformation, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence AI
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1 Week Training Program

Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for the Accounting Unit

Building Skills & Competencies in

  1. Proactive Facts Based Accounting Management Decisions
  2. Facts Based Understanding of Your Accounting Processes
  3. Improving Customer Experience & Satisfaction
  4. Enable Timely & Proactive Accounting Management Decisions

1 Week Skills Development Training Programs

15-19 July 2024
New Delhi
29 July - 2 Aug 2024
12-16 Aug 2024
New York
26-30 Aug 2024
9-13 Sept 2024
23-27 Sept 2024
New Delhi
7-11 Oct 2024
21-25 Oct 2024
New Delhi
4-8 Nov 2024
18-22 Nov 2024
New York
2-6 Dec 2024
Seattle, USA
16-20 Dec 2024
30 Dec 2024- 3 Jan 2025
6-10 Jan 2025
20-24 Jan 2025
3-7 Feb 2025
17-21 Feb 2025
New York
2-6 March 2025
Seattle, USA
16-20 March 2025
30 March-3 April 2025
New York
13-17 April 2025
27 April-1 May 2025
11-15 May 2025
25-29 May 2025

Useful Links

Get 2 Week Workshop Brochure  |  Get 4 Week Certification Brochure  |  SEND EMAIL

What is covered in this Program?

  1. This program is designed to use Big Data Analytics Methods to help your Accounting Unit make Better Decisions, Faster Decisions, Proactive Decisions, Real Time Decisions and Automated Decision if applicable.
    Using Accounting Internal and External Data this Programs Methods can help you Utilize Emerging Accounting Opportunities, Reduce Costs, Improve Customer Experience, Increase Customer Satisfaction, Exceed Customer Expectations and help your business utilize every opportunity to move towards your Strategic Objectives. Use of these Suggested Globally Benchmarked Data Analytics Methods you will Improve the Probability of Making the Right Decision Under the Usual Environment of Uncertainty and Risk. You will get early and timely information on Product and Service Improvement and Emerging Opportunities. Information on which if you take timely decisions you could get the first-mover advantages. And lastly you will move your Decision Making Firmly towards Management by Facts.
  2. The program will point the participant to the available Internal and External Data useful for your Decision Making to achieve the above results. Data covered will include Internal Generated Data, Data Mined from your Operational Data and Communications, External Product or Service Data, External Customer Data, External Innovation Data Mining, External Marketing Data Mining, External Data to provide a better Understanding of the Changing Market and Customer Needs and also available useful third party data.
    The program will make the participant aware of the Tools, Statistical Tools, Methods, Sources, Software, Packages and IDE that will be used by the Data Analytics Professionals. No Complex Mathematics or Software Programming in involved in this program - but everything leading up to the programming and coding is within the program scope.

Who Should Attend

  1. This program is designed for Accounting Management Professionals. Accounting and Other Professionals interested in Understanding how their Accounting Unit can use Big Data and Data Analytics, Specify the Requirements, Providing Informed Guidance to Data Analytic System Developers (Remember you know your domain knowledge more than anyone else outside your Unit/Department/Section), Participate in Your Data Analytic System Design Team Processes, Managing Data Analytic Solution Implementation Contractors, Apply the Data Analytics to Accounting Decision Making, Help Build your Accounting Decision Models, Help Collect and Suggest Accounting Data and Data Types and generally become a productive participant in Data Analysis and Improvement Teams.
  2. This program is also intended for Data Scientists and Management Analysts with responsibility in this field. These Data Scientists & Analysts will gain Valuable Domain Process and Other Knowledge which will help them better appreciate stakeholder needs and implement an Effective Data Analytic/BI/AI solution.
    This program can be used to train Accounting Implementation & Improvement Teams - when a new Data Analytics project or initiative is being started. Teams can also attend when the team is required to become familiar with Facts Based Emerging Opportunities for Improvement, Product or Service Development so they can contribute and support such solutions.

Program Content & Modules

Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for the Accounting Unit

  1. For Day-by-Day Training Schedule Please:
  2. Whatsapp: USA +15512411304 UK +447424964861



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1 Week Training Programs ..... For Skill Development to Ensure Superior and Rewarding Performance
