Euro Training Limited Training Programs, Workshops and Professional Certifications

Domain Specific Job Skills and Competencies

Leveraging the Best of Digital Transformation, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence AI
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3 week Advanced Training Program

Customer Focused Management of Your Organization or Department

Building Advanced Skills & Competencies in

  1. Understanding Customer Needs & Expectations
  2. Understanding What Exceeds Customer Expectations
  3. Identifying Value for the Customer
  4. Leveraging Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence to Proactively Understand Customer Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction

3 week Advanced Training Workshop

3-21 Feb 2025
17 Feb - 7 Mar 2025
New York
2-27 March 2025
Seattle, USA
16 March - 3 April 2025
30 March-17 April 2025
New York
13 April - 1 May 2025
27 April-15 May 2025
11-29 May 2025
25 May-12 June 2025

Useful Links

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What is Covered in this Program

  1. We are in business because some customer's need what we offer. We will be highly successful if lots of customers need what we provide. Also if a customer who uses our product or service wants to use it again and again that is the road to success. So the first question should be What does the Targeted Customer's want? What are their Needs? Real Needs? Their Expectations? How can we meet and exceed their expectations?

    In todays competitive world, Meeting Customer Expectations is Not a Big Deal... So many competitors will also be happy to meet your need for the price or order, even happy customers may try your competitors next time and may like him better for some reason! And you may loose him. Key to success is Exceeding Customer Expectations or Delighting the Customer, giving him more than what anybody else gives.
    Further, Our social experience teaches us that most people take negative feedback as a personal attack, and it may spoil relationships forever. Continuing, Customers don't like giving feedback, if dissatisfied they just don't come back but may tell 20 to 30 other people of their dissatisfaction experience with you. Correction, some customers who are very-very dissatisfied do give a very negative feedback with no intention of coming back. So a dissatisfied customer leaving your department dissatisfied is like a Bull-in-a-China-shop for your department or organization. It is important that feedback be taken early, specially where dissatisfaction is suspected, so measures can be taken to satisfy the customer before he leaves. It is not a good idea to let a dissatisfied customer leave your department or organization in that state. This program will discuss various new methods to get early customer feedback these include by Non-obtrusive feedback options, observing his behavior, face expressions, tone, body language, data analytics and artificial intelligence methods.
  2. This program will provide the participant Understanding, Skills and Competencies that will help you avoid all the above problems, and set up a system to Meet and Exceed Customer Expectations in a Planned and Organized Manner.

    This program will discuss how to proactively setup processes that lead to Customer Satisfaction, these processes have actually been recognized as "their absence becomes a cause of customer dissatisfaction". This program will also discuss how to understand (and differentiate between) Customer Needs, Customer Real Needs, Customer Expectations, Exceeding Customer Expectations. Significant amount of time will be spent on analytically finding ideas for Exceed Customer Expectations.
    Also, we all are looking for one or more of recognition, reward or promotion, achievement of this makes us happy, job satisfied and motivated to put in extra effort on our job. Becoming Customer focused is definitely very good for our career.

Who Should Attend

  1. This program is intended for all Internal and External Customer Facing Employees in your Department or Organization.
  2. Our definition of Customer is anyone who uses your product or service or interacts with others in any manner, each and every employee is an internal customer of other employees and vice versa. Therefore each and every employee of each and every department in your organization can benefit from this program.

Program Content & Modules

Importance of Internal & External Customers

  1. The Customer-focused Management Approach
  2. Problems Created by Dissatisfied Customers
  3. Advantages of Satisfied Customers
  4. Advantages of Delighted or Exceeded Expectation Customers
  5. Identifying your Internal & External Customers
  6. Prioritizing your Customer Groups
  7. For each Customer Group What are their Needs
  8. For each Customer Group what are their Real Needs
  9. For each Customer Group What are their Expectations
  10. Which Needs & Expectations of each group we will try and Meet based on our Strategy and Resources
  11. Which Expectations we do not plan to spend resources to try and meet just now (not our strategy)
  12. What are the Processes we need to Implement (or subprocesses to include in existing processes) to Meet Each Need, Real Need or Expectation
  13. What are the Usual Causes of Customer Dissatisfaction? Or What Processes if we do not have can lead to Customer Dissatisfaction?
  14. Good Practices Processes - those that ensure promised Quality of Product or Service will be Provided, an in the manner expected by the Customer or our Commitment.
  15. Processes for Changing Customer Expectations
  16. Understanding when the Customer Feels Delighted or his Expectation Exceeded?
  17. Analytical Methods to Identify Possible Methods to Exceed Customer Expectations or Delight the Customer
  18. Benchmarking Ideas for Exceeding Customer Expectations
  19. Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence techniques to Identify Opportunities for Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations
  20. Training your Staff for Meeting Customer Expectations
  21. Training your Staff for Exceeding Customer Expectations
  22. Setting up a Culture of Meeting & Exceeding Customer Expectations
  23. Know What Customers Want: Listening to Internal & External Customers; Listening to Potential Customers
  24. Determination of Customer Satisfaction and Engagement: Satisfaction and Engagement; Satisfaction Relative to Competitors; Dissatisfaction
  25. Building Relationships with Internal & External Customers:
    (1) Relationship Management
    (2) Complaint Management
    (3) Understanding
  26. Measuring Customer Satisfaction Levels
  27. Data Analytics & Real Time Dashboards to display Customer Satisfaction Levels.
  28. Program Recommendations & Next Steps
  29. Participant Customized Detailed Action Plan

3 week Advanced Training Workshop

Enhance your Understanding, Job Skills, Competencies & Process Knowledge

Euro Training has been providing
  1. Knowhow and Technology Transfer to the Participants.
  2. Building Job Oriented Understanding, Competencies & Process Knowledge.
  3. Domain Multi-discipline understanding that Improves Performance, Credibility and Respect
  4. Competencies that Enable Superior Performance, Promotion, Career Advancement and Respect among Peers
This 3 week Advanced Training Participant Takeaways
  1. A-Z Knowhow and Step-by-Step Process Knowledge
  2. A Customized Detailed Action Plan to apply the Program Knowledge to Work.
    The detailed Action Plan and Implementation Plans you prepare and take away after the program will help you take improvement initiatives and make a positive difference in your job, team, business unit or organization.
    This difference after implementation and when added to your resume will make you a prime candidate for career advancement in your own organization or in your next job/s.

Benefits for Organization Sponsoring Participants

(Made possible by Euro Training's unique, multidiscipline, customer focused, strategic focused, knowledge management, Data Analytics approach)

Participant Career & Life Benefits

  1. Job Satisfaction that will come when satisfying your customers
  2. Respect that will come when you are Recognized by your Peers
  3. Promotion that will come from your Better Job Performance, Making Improvements and Convincing Performance Review Handling
  4. Career Advancement that will come from your increased Employability through Convincing Competency Display in Resume and Interviews, Improvement Ideas, and Implemented Improvements

Registration Form

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Optional Fields

Registration Information
3 Week Advanced Training Program

  1. To register: Please send us an official letter confirming registration (on organizational letterhead). Also send us a completed registration form ?electronically fill-able is at- available at You can request or registration form by Emailing and
  2. For Program Fee Information Email: . Fees are Payable by Bank Transfer or Bank Draft. Fee information is also available at: .
  3. Program Fee is
    • 3 week (90 hrs) Advanced Training Program:
      At Dubai, Kuwait, New Delhi, Qatar £10,840 (USD $13,800) per participant.
      At London, US Locations, Europe, Malaysia, Singapore £11,924 (USD $15,180) per participant.
      Online eTraining Fee £5,000 (USD $6,250) per participant.
    and includes Course Materials, Certificate, Refreshments and Lunch (classroom programs).
  4. Accommodation is not included in Program fee. Special rates will be available at venue hotel for the class room training program participants.
  5. Special discount of 10% is offered for participants who pay their fees at least 45 days before start of the program.
  6. Refund will not be considered where the participants cancels his registration less than 3 weeks before start of the program. Alternate nominations will be allowed anytime before program start. In case of exceptional hardship or emergency participant may be allowed to attend at another location.
  7. All participants are required to fill in Participant Information form - on first day of the program. Each program Undergoes Customization to Better Meet Participant Present and Future Career Needs. Please be prepared to let the Instructor/s know about your organization's Special Needs, Interests or Initiatives.
  8. It is always useful for participants to bring their existing problems or case studies, work-process flow charts or job related problems for discussion - consideration will be at sole discretion of the program director/s.
  9. Provisional Registration : You can make a provisional registration request by sending us an email with an official provisionsl registration request this will ensure we will reserve a seat for you for 14 days. After this you have 2 weeks to send us an official registration request. Provisional registration is automatically cancelled at the earlier of (1) 2 weeks after Provisional Confirmation if registration is not confirmed from your side (2) Two weeks before start of the program. We do request you to inform us ASAP you have decided either way. Please note All provisional registrations automatically cancel 2 weeks before program start unless confirmed.
  10. Information required for Provisional Registration: Program Title, Location, Dates, Your Organization Name, Your Email Address, Your FAX No and your Mobile Number.