This Project Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Support Training Builds Professionals who will have the Understanding, Process Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, Management Insights, including Leadership, they will need to become True Expert Professionals in this area.
This program covers Negotiations (they settle 99% of Disputes), mediation, arbitration or litigation (<0.001% of disputes).
The methodology involved in convincing the other party of the fairness and legality of your claim is similar.
In Negotiation we will highlight the need to discuss the issues as a Win-Win Solutions, In Mediation the emphasis will be on fairness and equity, and in Arbitration we will emphasize the due-diligence, reasonableness and legal rights. And if Litigation is the eventual forum - we emphasize the legal arguments and analysis. Assumptions of rationality and understanding of the true legal rights should never be assumed - You are responsible for communicating your arguments and narrative such as to overcome any opposite party perception, ignorance or misjudgment.
In this program participant will learn about: Understanding Dispute Dynamics, Preparation for Negotiations, Preparing Presentations, Participating in Negotiations, Win-Win Settlements, Preparation for Arbitration, Arbitration Presentation, Documentary Materials and Other Supporting Arbitration Processes.
This training program can save your organization hundreds of thousands of Dollars in costs and lost settlement benefit opportunities whatever the dispute resolution method or stage the settlement is reached!
Who Should Attend?
This program is intended for all Contract, Legal, Claims Consultants, Project Managers, Negotiators, Quantity Surveyors, Audit, Future Negotiators and Arbitrators, Dispute Resolution Professionals & Managers.
This Program can be used to train Dispute Resolution Teams when a significant Claim is Submitted, Received, Being Negotiated, Being Litigated or Being referred to Engineer, Dispute Resolution Authority or Arbitration for Resolution. This will ensure the team will be able to work together to implement the Program Recommendations to Win-Win Protect Your Organization's Interests and Obtain a Most Favorable Win-Win Settlement.
Program Content & Modules
Project Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Support Professional