This program provides the Electrical Utility Restructuring Professional Training participant the essential Understanding, Competencies, Skills, Process Knowledge and Management Guidance to perform his Restructuring Professional Assignment in an effective, efficient, customer focused manner, always targeting for Meeting the Operational & Strategic Objectives.
Program Topics will be discussed in detail during the 2 weeks, to ensure the participants gains a full Multi-Discipline Multi-Stakeholder Latest-Technology Equipped Understanding of the Electrical Utility Restructuring Processes they will be required to Plan, Get Executed, Monitor and Manage.
Electrical Utility Restructuring is the Process for Reorganizing the National or Regional Electricity Market to promote Competition and investment in Electric Generation, Transmission and Distribution Industry. This program will also discuss the Possible Regulatory Changes that can be considered to make existing Deregulated Utilities more aligned towards better meeting Original and Current Objectives of deregulation. This program provides the full knowhow for Implementing such a Restructuring Project.
This program will discuss what has previously worked and what has not worked. This program will also discuss the Coordination and cooperation needs between all the stakeholders including Utility Companies, New Entrant Utility Companies, Industry Leaders, Social Pressure Groups and Government to make the restructuring a success.
This program provides the participant the knowledge and practical skills to understand, analyze and implement Multidiscipline Program Related Work Processes Always Applying Applicable Standards, Good Operational & Management Practices, Best Practices, Customer Focus and Strategic Alignment.
Participant will take away a detailed understanding of the step-by-step methodology for implementing Restructuring, Rehabilitation or PPP Good and Best Benchmarked Practices.
Who Should Attend
This program is intended for Professionals, Consultants and Managers interested in gaining Professional Level Skills and Competencies in Electrical Utility Restructuring Projects.
This program is also intended for Electrical Utility Business Consultants, Merger & Acquisition Professionals, PPP Professionals and Business Development Professionals.
Business Aspects of Deregulating the Electricity Market
Business Aspects of Promoting Investment in Electricity Sector
Social Aspects of a Privatized Deregulated Electricity Market
Legal and Regulatory Aspects
Restructuring Business Models
Legal, Regulatory and Dispute resolution framework
Regulator Appointment and Empowerment
Implementation of Good Practices in Utility Operators
Implementation of Benchmarked Best Practices in Utility Operators
Creating a Level Playing Field for New Investors & Entrants
Sharing Infrastructure Rules & Regulations
Pricing Systems for Electricity
Electricity Market
Facilitating Renewable Energy Producers
Facilitation of National Strategy for Power Generation Fuels
Handling Peak Loads
Handling different Electricity Generation Costs due to Fuels Utilized
Remedying Economic Feasibility Gaps for New Producers or Plants in Priority Areas
Handling Stranded Costs (unrecoverable dues)
Process for Government to Issue Power Supply Guidelines
A step-by-step Roadmap for Electricity Utility Market Restructuring
A step-by-step Roadmap for Privatization of Government Owned Utilities
Ensuring Coordination and cooperation between Utility Companies, New Entrant Utility Companies, Industry Leaders, Social Pressure Groups and Government.
Special Government Policy Implementation Issues
(1) Concessional Tariffs for Smaller Power Consumers
(2) Extension of Power Network to Remote Areas
(3) Extension of Networks to National Priority Areas
(4) Promoting Local Industry & Business...
Wholesale spot energy markets
Market Coordination & Oversight Arrangements
Not-for-Profit Independent System Operator
Grid Management Responsibility Allocation
Grid Reliability
Environment Protection
Promotion of Energy Conservation
Program Recommendations
Personalized Electrical Utility Restructuring Improvement Outline Action Plan