This Dredging Contracts Training Builds Professionals who will have the Understanding, Process Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, Management Insights, including Leadership, they will need to become True Expert Professionals in this area.
This program provides the essential Understanding of Dredging Technology, Contract Interpretation Rules, Contract Knowledge and Management Guidance to perform his Dredging Contracts Professional Assignment in an effective, efficient, customer focused manner, always targeting for Protecting his Organization, Win-Win, Meeting Project Objectives and Organizational Strategic Objectives.
This is a comprehensive program. Program Topics mentioned here will be discussed in great detail to ensure the participant gains a full Multi-Discipline Multi-Stakeholder Latest-Technology Equipped Understanding of the Dredging Contracts Processes he will be required to Plan, Document, Administer, Communicate & Coordinate, Resolve, Supervise and Manage.
Dredging and Reclamation International Contracts are becoming more and more complex as
(1) Dredging depths increase,
(2) Large reclamation projects arise,
(3) Increased testing,
(4) Handing over in parts and
(5) New environmental considerations.
The FIDIC Blue Standard Contract for Dredging Contracts provides the basic Contract Conditions we can use or benchmark our contracts. This program will introduce you to the complexities that may need to Drafted Dredging Contracts, Administration of these Contracts and their Win-Win Management.
This program will discuss all the key FIDIC Blue Book for Dredging Contract Clauses. Further this program will discuss Particular Benchmarked provisions from other Standard and Actual Contracts covering issues of Importance on particularly difficult Dredging Work Contracts. This program will provide a Clause by Clause Contract Administration Understanding, Competencies and Skills.
Who Should Attend?
This program is intended for Dredging and Reclamation Contract Professionals, Legal Department Staff, Dredging Project Professionals and Project Managers.
This program will also be useful for Dredging and Reclamation Consultants, Regulatory Agency Staff, Various Permit Authority Staff, Finance Department Professionals and Project Operational Auditors.
Program Content & Modules
Dredging Contract Drafting & Administration Skills (FIDIC Blue Book Based)
Business Aspects of Dredging Projects
Dredging Contracting Arrangements
Dredging Project Operational and Strategic Objectives