Euro Training Limited Training Programs, Workshops and Professional Certifications

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Making Participant Digital Transformation, Data Analytics and AI Ready for his Work

Now Incorporated in Each 4 Week Training Competencies for

Professional Job Performance & Interview Skills, Reviewing Ai Outputs, Trainer of Ai Systems, Interrogating Ai Systems, and Transforming into a 20 year Experienced Inter-Discipline Domain Expert. Programs are Updated to Leverage the Best of Digital Transformation, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Ai.
Each program participant will get 1 year free individual license access to a Program Domain Specific Ai System to Answer his job related queries.
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4 Week Ai & Data Analytics Leveraged Professional Certification

Certified Build Operate Transfer/PPP Green Field Project Proposal Professional

Building Professional Certification Skills & Competencies in

  1. Legal & Regulatory Compliance or Change Planning
  2. Stakeholder Needs & Expectations
  3. Economic Viability Gap Filling Arrangements
  4. Bidder Proposal Evaluation & Selection Criterion

4 Week Professional Certification Workshops

Seattle, USA
16 March-10 April 2025
30 March-24 April 2025
New York
13 April-8 May 2025
27 April-22 May 2025
11 May-5 June 2025
25 May-19 June 2025

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Certification Program Overview

  1. This BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal Professional Certification Program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to become competent professionals in this key PPP and B-O-T project sector. The program offers comprehensive multi-discipline training in various BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal business models, contracts, methodologies, technologies, digital transformation, Data Analytics and AI Leveraging, project management, policy frameworks, and sustainable practices. It aims to address the increasing global demand for skilled individuals capable of driving the PPP and B-O-T Project needs including digital transformation.
  2. To earn the BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal Professional Certification, participants will be required to undergo a comprehensive assessment that may include written exams, practical projects, and presentations. The evaluation process ensures that candidates have acquired the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work effectively in the BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal industry.
  3. Benefits of the Program: Acquire a broad and practical understanding of BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal business models, contract conditions, feasibility gap filling strategies, operation and maintenance methodologies, technologies, Gain expertise in BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal formulation, implementation, development and management, Enhance employability and career prospects in BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal sector, Contribute to industry standards, good and best practices, Network with industry professionals and experts, and, Access PPP and B-O-T resources and opportunities for further professional development.
  4. Insights and Experiences of experts and professionals from the BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal sector will be shared with the participants. These inputs offer valuable industry perspectives, and foster a deeper understanding of the current trends and challenges in the field.
  5. During the Program participants will undertake a capstone project that integrates the knowledge gained throughout the program. They will undertake a BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal project, plan it from A to Z, analyze its benefits, innovate in formulation and implementation, check strategic alignment, consider Return on Investment, consider societal implications, and propose a business plan. The capstone project serves as a practical demonstration of their abilities to apply learned concepts in real-world project scenarios.
  6. To support flexible learning, the program may provide access to an online learning platform where participants can access course materials, lectures, discussion forums, and supplementary resources. This platform enables self-paced learning, allowing individuals to balance their studies with other commitments.
  7. To ensure that BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal certified professionals remain up-to-date with latest advancements in the field, the program will require the participants to earn 1 week continuing education credits every three years. This Certification maintenance process supports ongoing professional growth and demonstrates a commitment to staying current in the field.

What is Covered in this Program?

  1. This program provides the BOT/PPP Green Field Certification participant the essential Green Field Project Proposal Understanding, Competencies, Skills, Process Knowledge and Management Guidance to perform his Proposal Preparation Assignment in an effective, efficient, customer focused manner, always targeting for Meeting the Operational & Strategic Objectives.
  2. This is a comprehensive program. Program Topics will be discussed in great detail during the 4 weeks, to ensure the participants gains a full Multi-Discipline Multi-Stakeholder Understanding of the Processes he will be required to Plan, Execute, Supervise or Improve.
  3. This program provides the step-by-step knowhow for Preparing a Detailed Green Field BOT/PPP Project Proposal that Meet Policy, Strategies & Objectives and provide Critical Insight for Decision Makers and Stakeholders. Program will discuss and provide skills for implementing Green Field Project Good & Best Benchmarked Practices.
  4. This program will help avoid the Usual Mistakes in PPP and BOT Projects. This program will Non-Due-diligence & Corruption is quickly identified and corrected. This program will discuss the PPP Green Field Project A-Z Process Steps. Program will discuss specific processes to Ensure BOT/PPP Project become a Catalyst for Investment and Growth, and Where possible help Expand & Improve Public Services. This program will also discuss ideas for Maximizing Opportunities for Spin-off Public Infrastructure Development.
  5. This program Proposal will include Ideas, Case Studies and Analysis Methodologies for Economic Viability Gap Filling Arrangements. This program will also include recommendations for Bidder Proposal Evaluation & Selection Criterion.
  6. This program will follow a Step-by-Step Approach to Preparation of BOT/PPP Proposal and will Explain the Related Background Understanding, Knowledge, Skills and Competencies during each step.

Who Should Attend?

  1. This program is intended for Professionals Preparing Green Field BOT/PPP Project Proposals.
  2. The Participant Professionals could be working for Owners, Proponents or Other Stakeholders.

Program Content & Modules

Certified Build Operate Transfer/PPP Green Field Project Proposal Professional

  1. Business Aspects of BOT/PPP Projects
  2. Business Aspects of BOT/PPP Project Proposals
  3. BOT/PPP Project Stakeholders & their Expectations
  4. BOT/PPP Project Objectives & Goals
  5. Legal & Regulatory Aspects
  6. Step by Step BOT/PPP Project Proposal Preparation
  7. Analyzing the Project Feasibility Study

         (a) Commercial Feasibility
         (b) Technical Feasibility
         (c) Legal, Societal and Political Feasibility
         (d) Environmental Impact Pre-Feasibility
  8. Project Alignment with National & Regional Development Policy, Objectives & Goals
  9. Data Collected and Utilized for Preparing the Proposal
  10. Project Design
  11. Demand Forecast
  12. Interface with Other Projects in Area
  13. Green Field Project Proposal Financial Plan
  14. Green Field Project Proposal Execution Plan
  15. Project Cost
  16. User Service Charges
  17. Owner Revenue Share
  18. Project Economic Viability Assessment & Sensitivity Analysis
  19. Project Economic Viability Gap Filling Projects
  20. Value for Money Analysis
  21. Stakeholder Engagement & CSR Projects
  22. Requirements from the Asset Owner
  23. Land Acquisition including ROW
  24. Legal & Regulatory Compliance
  25. Identification of Project Risks
  26. Risk Distribution of the Project
  27. Draft Project Contract Conditions
  28. Environmental Impact Analysis & Mitigation Plan
  29. Minimum Performance Specifications and Standards (MPSS)
  30. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  31. Deeper Insights into BOT/PPP Proposal Preparation Skills & Competencies
  32. Evaluation Criterion for BOT/PPP Bid Proposals
  33. Methodologies used for Preparing the BOT/PPP Proposal

         (1) Incorporating Stakeholder Objectives and Goals into Proposals
         (2) Stakeholder Consultation
         (3) Leveraging the Organizational BOT/PPP Experience & Knowledgebase
         (4) Industry Benchmarking
         (5) Cross-Industry Benchmarking
         (6) Value Engineering
         (7) Project Risk Identifying, Quantifying & Mitigating Planning
         (8) Contractual Assignment of Risks-Costs between the Stakeholders
  34. Building a BOT/PPP Green Field Proposal Knowledgebase
  35. Deeper Insights into Program Skills & Competencies
  36. Workshop 1
  37. Developing a BOT/PPP Green Field Project Proposal Risk Management Plan
  38. Developing a Green Field Project Proposal Early Warning Systems to Identify Emerging Risks & Opportunities
  39. Professional Level Insights into Green Field Project Proposal Processes & Decisions
  40. Workshop 2
  41. Getting Management Support
  42. Documenting Green Field Project Proposal Good Management Practices
  43. Reviewing & Applying (where applicable) Best Benchmarked Green Field Project Practices
  44. Developing Green Field Project Proposal Standard Operating Procedures SOPs
  45. Framework for a Green Field Project Proposal Knowledge System
  46. Building a Green Field Project Proposal Knowledge System
  47. Workshop 3
  48. Advanced Green Field Project Proposal Preparation Monitoring & Reporting System
  49. Developing Stakeholder Focused Meaningful KPIs for Green Field Project Proposal Evaluation Criterion
  50. Getting Management Support for Approving Organizational Green Field Project Targeted Strategic Objectives
  51. Developing a Green Field Project Performance Evaluation System
  52. Incorporating Data Analytic System to Support Real Time or Near Real Time Decision Making in Green Field Project Proposal
  53. Incorporating Artificial Intelligence Methods into Green Field Project Proposals
  54. Workshop 4
  55. Setting Up a Green Field Project Proposal Preparation Communication, Briefing, Coaching System
  56. Building an Internal Green Field Project Proposal Preparation Skill & Competency Evaluation System
  57. Developing and Implementing a Green Field Project Strategic Plan
  58. Green Field Project Proposal Professional Written Tests
  59. Green Field Project Proposal Professional Interviews
  60. Program Recommendations
  61. Detailed Green Field Project Proposal Process and Analysis Improvement Action Plan


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