Euro Training Limited Training Programs, Workshops and Professional Certifications

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4 Week Professional Job Certification Training Training Workshop

Certified Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract Professional

Building Professional Certification Skills & Competencies in

  1. Gaining Correct Understanding of the Contract Provisions
  2. Correct way to Analyze & Calculate Party Obligations
  3. Effective Documenting and Record Keeping of Contract Events
  4. Considered & Informed Management Decisions to Exercise Contract Options

Training Dates Certification Programs

20 May - 14 June 2024
New York
3 June - 12 July 2024
Seattle, USA
17 June - 12 July 2024
New Delhi
1-26 July 2024
15 July - 9 Aug 2024
New Delhi
29 July - 23 Aug 2024
12 Aug - 6 Sept 2024
New York
26 Aug-20 Sept 2024
9 Sept - 4 Oct 2024
23 Sept-18 Oct 2024
New Delhi
7 Oct - 1 Nov 2024
21 Oct-15 Nov 2024
New Delhi
4-29 Nov 2024
18 Nov- 13 Dec 2024
New York
2-27 Dec 2024
Seattle, USA
16 Dec 2024 -10 Jan 2025
30 Dec 2024- 24 Jan 2025
6-31 Jan 2025
20 Jan-14 Feb 2025
3-28 Feb 2025
17 Feb-14 March 2025
New York
2-27 March 2025
Seattle, USA
16 March-10 April 2025
30 March-24 April 2025
New York
13 April-8 May 2025
27 April-22 May 2025
11 May-5 June 2025
London 25 May-19 June 2025

Useful Links

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Certification Program Overview

  1. This Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract Professional Certification Program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to become competent professionals in this key project sector. The program offers comprehensive multi-discipline training in various Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract methodologies, technologies, digital transformation, Data Analytics and AI Leveraging, project management, policy frameworks, and sustainable practices. It aims to address the increasing global demand for skilled individuals capable of driving the business and industrial needs including digital transformation.
  2. To earn the Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract Professional Certification, participants will be required to undergo a comprehensive assessment that may include written exams, practical projects, and presentations. The evaluation process ensures that candidates have acquired the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work effectively in the Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract industry.
  3. Benefits of the Program: Acquire a broad and practical understanding of Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract methodologies, technologies, Gain expertise in Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract implementation development and management, Enhance employability and career prospects in Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract sector, Contribute to industry standards, good and best practices, Network with industry professionals and experts, and, Access resources and opportunities for further professional development.
  4. Insights and Experiences of experts and professionals from the Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract sector will be shared with the participants. These inputs offer valuable industry perspectives, and foster a deeper understanding of the current trends and challenges in the field.
  5. During the Program participants will undertake a capstone project that integrates the knowledge gained throughout the program. They will undertake a Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract project, plan it from A to Z, analyze its benefits, check strategic alignment, consider Return on Investment, consider societal implications, and propose a business plan. The capstone project serves as a practical demonstration of their abilities to apply learned concepts in real-world work scenarios.
  6. To support flexible learning, the program may provide access to an online learning platform where participants can access course materials, lectures, discussion forums, and supplementary resources. This platform enables self-paced learning, allowing individuals to balance their studies with other commitments.
  7. To ensure that Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract certified professionals remain up-to-date with latest advancements in the field, the program will require the participants to earn 1 week continuing education credits every three years. This Certification maintenance process supports ongoing professional growth and demonstrates a commitment to staying current in the field.

What is Covered in this Certification Workshop?

  1. This Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract Professional Certification Training Workshop Builds Professionals who have the Understanding, Process Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, Management Insights, including Leadership, they will need to become True Expert Professionals in this area.
  2. The objective of this program is to create PSA Professionals with competency to Administer these Contracts such as to Protect the Petroleum Production Project and their employer. For this purpose this program provides the PSA Contract Professional Certification participant the essential PSA Contract Understanding, Competencies, Skills, Process Knowledge and Management Guidance to perform his Professional Assignment in an effective, efficient, customer focused manner, always targeting towards Meeting the Unit and Organization Operational & Strategic Objectives. This is a comprehensive training program.
  3. Program Topics mentioned below will be discussed in great detail during the 4 weeks, to ensure the participants gains a full Multi-Discipline Multi-Stakeholder Latest-Technology Equipped Understanding of the Processes he will be required to Understand, Plan, Execute, Supervise or Improve.
  4. Exploring Petroleum for Production is Expensive, Needs Specialized Skills and Expertise, and the Risk of Not Finding Commercially Exploitable Reserves is Very High. Generally, Government organizations are not tuned to perform effectively on such business ventures and resources may also be limited. So the Government (acting under its National Oil Company NOCs) as the owner of the Underground Petroleum Resources hires an Exploration & Production (E&P) Contractor to Invest his own money, to do such exploration, bear all the risks, pay some fees for this right and data provided, and if commercially viable petroleum is found within a certain period, and extracted within another mentioned period, part Produced Oil will go to reimburse the Contractor for his Allowable Costs (Cost Oil) and from the remaining oil (Profit Oil) the government will take a percentage share of the petroleum (in place of royalties and taxes). Cost recovery is usually 50%+ of the production.
  5. Many complexities are included in these arrangements and calculations. PSAs may have provisions to convert themselves to Risk Sharing Contracts at Option of the National Oil Companies NOCs.
  6. The PSA Contract Conditions will be discussed in detail including Understanding the Contract Condition, its interpretation, enforceable changes that can be made to this condition, contract administration aspects, record keeping aspects, possible disputes and their resolution.

Who Should Attend?

  1. This program is intended for Production Sharing Agreement PSA Professionals, Managers, Auditors, Finance Departments, Government Auditors and Oversight Committee Members.
  2. This program is also intended for Petroleum Accounting Professionals, Operational Auditors, Regulatory Agency Staff and Middle Managers.

Program Content & Modules

Certified Oil & Gas Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Contract Professional

  1. Business Aspects of Petroleum Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs)
  2. PSA Stakeholders and their Expectations
  3. Legal & Regulatory Aspects of PSAs
  4. PSA Operational Objectives
  5. Discussion on PSA Possible Problems, Leakages, Inefficiencies and Solutions arising from lack of Company or Regulatory Control over the PSA Process
  6. Typical PSA Contract Conditions:

    (1) Nature of the relationship between the Parties

    (2) Duration of the Agreement

    (3) Exploration Period

    (4) Production Period

    (5) Operator

    (6) Petroleum Operations procedures Document

    (7) Costs and expenditures, and Recovery of costs and expenditures

    (8) Production sharing

    (9) Lifting and disposal of Crude Oil

    (10) Conduct of Petroleum Operations

    (11) Work Obligations during the Exploration Period

    (12) Exploration Work Plans and Budgets

    (13) Commercial Discovery

    (14) General Development and Production Plan

    (15) Development and Production Work Plans and Budgets

    (16) Production Plans

    (17) Guarantees

    (18) Contribution

    (19) Conservation of Petroleum and prevention of loss

    (20) Records, reports and inspection

    (21) Contractor Group's Obligation to Purchase Owner Share of Petroleum

    (22) Other rights and obligations related to Crude Oil disposal

    (23) Unitization and Joint Development

    (24) Transfer and abandonment of assets

    (25) Natural Gas

    (26) Operations for Owner's account - sole risk

    (27) Operating Committee

    (28) Ownership of assets

    (29) Ownership and confidentiality of data

    (30) Liability for losses and damages

    (31) Petroleum Operations risk management

    (32) Recruitment, integration and training of Local personnel

    (33) Double taxation and change of circumstances

    (34) Assignment

    (35) Termination of the Agreement

    (36) Confidentiality of the Agreement

    (37) Dispute resolution

    (38) Force Majeure

    (39) Applicable law

    (40) Language

    (41) Offices and service of notice

    (42) Effectiveness.
  7. Detailed Discussion on Each of the above Contract Provision

    (1) Understanding the Contract Condition

    (2) Enforceable Interpretation (vs Literal interpretation)

    (3) How Enforceable changes can be made to any of these condition

    (4) Contract Administration aspects

    (5) Essential Communications

    (5) Record keeping to Resolve any Disputes or Disagreement Claims

    (6) Possible disagreements or disputes

    (7) Win-Win Dispute Resolution.
  8. Workshop 1
  9. Deeper Insights into PSA Contract Administration Processes and Decisions
  10. Developing a PSA Contract Administration Performance Evaluation System
  11. Developing Meaningful PSA Contract Administration KPIs
  12. Workshop 2
  13. PSA Contract Administration Knowledge System
  14. PSA Contract Administration Knowledge System Management
  15. Workshop 3
  16. PSA Contract Administration Data Analytic System to Support Real Time or Near Real Time Decision Support
  17. PSA Contract Administration Artificial Intelligence Models for Proactive Decision Support Insights, Management Support, Decision Suggestion System & Automated Decisions
  18. Workshop 4
  19. Building a Multi-Level Internal PSA Contract Administration Skill & Competency Certification System
  20. Certified PSA Contract Administrator Certification Tests
  21. Professional PSA Contract Administration Certification Interview
  22. Program Recommendations
  23. Detailed Personalized PSA Contract Administration Improvement Action Plan


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