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  Integrated Advanced Mentoring Service

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  Career & Life Management Service

  Helping the Employee Look at his Life and Job in a Positive and Goal Oriented Way

  Helping Hand to Success

  One-to-One Integrated Mentoring, Coaching & Training

  This Mentoring Will Save You from Years of Avoidable Struggles and Late Life Regrets

This Positive and Happy Life Mentoring Service

is for employees who may have any one or more of the following issues preventing them from achieving their life goals

     Employee is working on a job he does not like

     Employee has constant conflict with his peers

     Employee has emotional problems caused by a recent loss

     Employee has personal problems requiring support

     Employee is showing high absenteeism

     Employee is always blaming others

     Employee is defensive when followup done

     Employee escalates minor upsets into major conflicts

     Employee is easily Irritable

     Employee has inflated view of his skills and talents

     Employee is very critical of others

     Employee is a perfectionist and can not meet deadlines

     Employee is insecure and unable to be assertive

     Employee avoids work

     Employee alienates his peers by avoiding tough tasks.

The Mentoring Service Outline

  1. You will Understand Your Present "Life and Job" Goals Clearly

  2. You will Understand Opportunities Available to Update your "Life and Job" Goals based on Current Work

  3. You will Understand what is holding you back from achieving your "Life and Job" goals

  4. You will Jointly Agree Life Alignment Recommendations and Soft Skill Gaps

  5. You will be Trained to overcome Roadblocks, Gaps and Implement Agreed Recommendations

  6. You will prepare an Outline Action Plan to Fill Gaps and Achieve Your Goals

  7. You will Prepare a Detailed Action Plan

  8. You will Practice and get feedback on Implemented Recommendations

  9. Optional: Your Progress will be Reviewed by an Independent Mentor

  10. For Job Related Domain Knowledge Gaps the Mentee will Take Away a Next Steps Road Map

  11. This Mentoring Service can be Terminated by Either Party at Any Time Without Breach of Contract

Service Fee for Mentoring Employees

  1. $100 (£75) per mentor contact hour (payable in advance and billed by the hour)

  2. Minimum billing 5 hours. Subsequent billing in 5 hour packages

  3. Time taken to get satisfactory and Effective Mentoring will depend on many individual mentee factors.

  4. Service will be provided online using some Video Conferencing Platform.

  5. If convenient for both parties part of the service can be held face-to-face at mutually convenient locations.

  6. Mentor eHandouts provided will be free and fully protected by copyright.

  7. Mentor may recommend one or more reference books from third parties cost of which is not included in the fee.

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